Thursday, February 11, 2010

If i stop wearing false eyelashes will mine curl back in time?

i used to have long and curly eyelashes, but the constant wear of false ones has caused my natural lashes to be pushed down. they are still long but not curly. if i stopped wearing false ones will my own in time curl back to how they were, and if so how long till i start seeing a difference as i really wanna stop wearing fake ones as i really dont like how mine look at the moment?If i stop wearing false eyelashes will mine curl back in time?
You lashes will eventually go back to their original state after they have completed a life cycle - which takes about thirty days.

If you are looking for a more immediate route, you should try getting them permed! I get mine done because i have long, but super straight lashes, and I love it! The product is called SimplePerm (only know because I wanted to find a tech that used the same product after i moved!) and you can go to their website and find someone who does it in your area.

If you want to spark the growth, try an eyelash conditioner. I use a natural one that really has helped my mascara abused lashes!

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