Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are false teeth better than struggling to maintain your deteriorating own?

When do actually bite the bullet, so to speak.Are false teeth better than struggling to maintain your deteriorating own?
Keeping your own teeth is always best IF it is feasible. Sometimes people with multiple health problems and multiple medications seem to have more problems. If we have someone we seem to be chasing our tails with or one needs such extensive work (many root canals and crowns) that they cant afford it, dentures/implant abuted dentures are an option. One thing to keep in mind is conventional dentures (no implant involved as an anchor) will give you 70% LESS chewing ability. Bone shrinks and continues to do so your entire life so if you get dentures in you thirties, you will be miserable in your fifties. I would seek the opinion of an excellent dentist in my area. Dont just patch your teeth, if you have multiple large problems, fix them right. Also if you you have gum disease and it is chronic/severe beyond bone grafts and surgery with loose teeth or perio abscesses, dentures are your best options. It is hard to say with out seeing your teeth, medical hx and xrays what would be the best but, in general, your natural teeth are the best. Good Luck.Are false teeth better than struggling to maintain your deteriorating own?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! you never want to lose your teeth!!!!!!
No. Duh...!
I was wondering the same thing... I sure wouldnt want false teeth, surely there would be a better option

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