Friday, February 5, 2010

What can i take photos of if my theme is 'false reality' or 'imaginary friends' help plz i need loads of ideas?

hi im doing a level photography and i have to take 30 pics each of the theme 'false reality' and 'imaginery friends' any ideas?What can i take photos of if my theme is 'false reality' or 'imaginary friends' help plz i need loads of ideas?
Dress up everyday objects in coats and hats and hang signs on them with the names of your actual friends - funny and effective?What can i take photos of if my theme is 'false reality' or 'imaginary friends' help plz i need loads of ideas?
For false reality.Things that don't really happen so you could do fairy tales, or half fairytale half reality, love at first sight, colourful world... be imaginative with that. You could relate to what you think false reality means and what other people do. if you wanted to do something dark you could do death soul turning into some one else. You could also try researching false reality for ideas.

For imaginary friends you can let you Imagination run wild. take it back to your childhood. you could do what you always wanted your friend to be like wheather its smart, sexy, funky, emo, goth. research that too youll find it will help an awful lot
False reality: someone smiling, a couple hugging or kissing, tv, outdoors

Imaginary friends: someone sitting at a bar/coffee drinking a Coffee like they have a imaginary friend, a pic of a tree, like its you friend, a dog, etc

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