Try the Better Business Bureau. I believe you can lodge a complaint with the BBB so that when someone else wants to use the company's service they will see the complaint against the company. The BBB may be able to direct you to other organizations that may help.
MeOw!What organization handles cases of false advertisement?
Depending on where you live it is typically the States Dept of Consumer Affairs. But here is a website below that may assist you.What organization handles cases of false advertisement?
The Attorney General of your state would investigate if it's blatent.
There's a great deal of false ads that do not fit that description. Such as bait and switch ads. Example, A cheap price on an item, that salesmen are almost forbidden to sell. Sometimes a customer can be persistant in buying that item. I have known cases, if a salesman sells three, they walk with buying the customer.
better bussiness bureo
better business!
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